Poli­ti­Fac­t’s ‘Truth-O-Meter’ Has a Dra­mat­ic Demo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty TILT

<div>PolitiFact's 'Truth-O-Meter' Has a Dramatic Democratic Party TILT</div>

For Inter­na­tion­al Fact-Check­ing Day on April 2, Eric Litke, the leader of the USA Today fact-check­ing squad, asked who should be fact-check­ing the fact check­ers? His answer: “Every­one.” He argued: “Prop­er fact-check­ing requires crit­i­cal think­ing, deep report­ing, pre­cise writ­ing and an obses­sion with fair­ness. But most impor­tant­ly, it requires trans­paren­cy.”
As a web­site, Poli­ti­Fact is fair­ly trans­par­ent, but study­ing its work does not lead every­one to find an “obses­sion with fair­ness.” Instead, we have repeat­ed­ly found in its arti­cles the impli­ca­tion of the old Stephen Col­bert joke that “real­i­ty has a lib­er­al bias,” and there­fore the li …