RFK Jr says gaps in south­ern bor­der ‘should have been closed’ over three years ago

RFK Jr says gaps in southern border ‘should have been closed’ over three years ago

2024 pres­i­den­tial can­di­date Robert Kennedy Jr. reit­er­at­ed his call to secure the south­ern bor­der, ask­ing the Biden admin­is­tra­tion to use its pow­er to seal up the 27 gaps being used to sneak into the Unit­ed States.
The inde­pen­dent can­di­date explained how he became a sup­port­er of secur­ing the bor­der after mak­ing a vis­it him­self, dur­ing which he saw 300 peo­ple cross the bor­der over the course of two hours. He explained that peo­ple are ille­gal­ly cross­ing into the bor­der through one of 27 gaps, which he argued “should have been closed three and a half years ago.”
“The mate­r­i­al is sit­ting on the ground next to the gaps,” Kennedy explained on Fox News’s The Sto­ry With Martha Mac­Cal­lum. “But Pres­i­dent Biden and Sec­re­tary May­orkas ordered the fence stopped. The con­struc­tion of the fence, the mate­ri­als has already been pur­chased, and that’s where everybody’s com­ing through, so all they need to do is to seal those gaps in the fence.”

Kennedy added that the …