Trump’s staunchest allies see third-par­ty can­di­dates as his path to vic­to­ry over Biden

Trump’s staunchest allies see third-party candidates as his path to victory over Biden

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s allies are seek­ing to bol­ster sup­port for third-par­ty can­di­dates, par­tic­u­lar­ly Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in an effort to draw vot­ers away from Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. 
Mar­ket­ing Kennedy as a “cham­pi­on for choice” for abor­tion and an envi­ron­men­tal activist, Trump allies plan to high­light to Democ­rats that they have anoth­er choice on the bal­lot. Polling reveals that third-par­ty can­di­dates will play a piv­otal role in the out­come of the elec­tion, par­tic­u­lar­ly draw­ing more votes away from Biden than from Trump. 
“The path to vic­to­ry here is clear­ly max­i­miz­ing the reach of these left-wing alter­na­tives,” Steve Ban­non, for­mer White House chief strate­gist under Trump, told the New York Times. 
So far, the largest sin­gle donor to Kennedy’s biggest super PAC i …