ABC Pro­tects Biden, OMITS Bru­tal “20th Cen­tu­ry’ Gaffe From Quote On Ari­zona Abor­tion Law

We regret to inform you all that the Regime Media is at it again. ABC News, in its capac­i­ty as the most con­sis­tent­ly pro-Biden of the net­work evening news­casts, excised the most dam­ag­ing part of a quote from the pres­i­dent on the recent­ly-affirmed 1864 Ari­zona statute ban­ning abor­tion in all instances except to save the life of the moth­er. 
Watch as cor­re­spon­dent Rachel Scott clos­es out her report, with all the sub­tle­ty of a tank, from in front o …