An over-the-counter birth con­trol pill pro­vides a pro-life, pro-cap­i­tal­ist alter­na­tive to the con­tra­cep­tion man­date

An over-the-counter birth control pill provides a pro-life, pro-capitalist alternative to the contraception mandate

More than six decades after Norgestrel was patent­ed, the prog­estin-only birth con­trol pill has debuted on drug store shelves and online as Opill. It’s the first oral con­tra­cep­tive in the coun­try grant­ed nation­wide over-the-counter sta­tus by the Food and Drug Admin­is­tra­tion.
Already, retail­ers such as Ama­zon, Tar­get, CVS, and Wal­mart have list­ed a three-month sup­ply of Opill for rough­ly $16 per month. Its price points and avail­abil­i­ty prove that dereg­u­lat­ing birth con­trol, rather than the Afford­able Care Act’s legal­ly dubi­ous con­tra­cep­tion man­date, is a pro-life, pro-cap­i­tal­ist, and pro-reli­gious lib­er­ty solu­tion to the per­sis­tent demand for abor­tion.
While the ACA did coin­cide with a marked reduc­tion in the nation’s abor­tion rate, it wasn’t because of the con­tra­cep­tion mandate’s demand that pri­vate i …