North Car­oli­na on Team Biden’s mind: Does the pres­i­dent have a real­is­tic chance at nab­bing the usu­al­ly red state from Trump?

North Carolina on Team Biden’s mind: Does the president have a realistic chance at nabbing the usually red state from Trump?

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s reelec­tion cam­paign efforts at expand­ing the 2024 elec­tion play­ing field begin with the rolling hills of North Car­oli­na.
The state has been just out of grasp for Democ­rats since the anom­aly of 2008, when Barack Oba­ma clinched vic­to­ry by less than half a per­cent­age point in his White House win over GOP rival John McCain. Out­side of that, Repub­li­can pres­i­den­tial can­di­dates haven’t lost North Car­oli­na since Demo­c­rat Jim­my Carter of Geor­gia, a fel­low South­ern­er, pre­vailed in 1976.
But with chang­ing demo­graph­ics, a slate of con­tro­ver­sial Repub­li­can down-bal­lot can­di­dates, and an ear­ly ground game set up, the Biden team is bet­ting this is the year the pur­ple state turns blue. 

North Car­oli­na has seen a huge influx of peo­ple mov­ing from Demo­c­ra­t­ic-run states such as Cal­i­for­nia and New York. (Exam­in­er pho­to illus­tra­tion)

North Car­oli­na and its 16 Elec­toral Col­lege votes is an insur­ance pol­i­cy for the Biden cam­paign. …