Ari­zona Repub­li­cans Shut Down Bid To Quick­ly Repeal Abor­tion Law

Arizona Republicans Shut Down Bid To Quickly Repeal Abortion Law

Repub­li­can law­mak­ers in Ari­zona blocked an effort on Wednes­day to quick­ly repeal a 160-year-old law pro­hibit­ing near­ly all abor­tions after the state’s high court upheld it this week.
A motion by state Rep. Matt Gress, a Phoenix-area Repub­li­can, to begin the repeal process got way­laid by a GOP motion to recess, accord­ing to local NBC affil­i­ate KPNX. That’s when some Democ­rats, the minor­i­ty in the cham­ber, began shout­ing, “Shame on you.”

🚨JUST IN—Democrats in the Ari­zona state house have hijacked the leg­isla­tive ses­sion shout­ing “SHAME” and “BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS” at Repub­li­cans fol­low­ing yes­ter­day’s Ari­zona Supreme Court’s rul­ing on abor­tion.
— Char­lie Kirk (@charliekirk11) April 10, 2024

Demo­c­rat State Rep. Stephanie Stahl Hamil­ton, who is the top spon­sor of a one-line bill that would repeal the abor­tion law, brought the motion to the floor again in the after­noon, but the House adjourned until next Wednes­day on a roll call vote.

The Asso­ci­at­ed Press report­ed Gress is one of three GOP leg­is­la­tors who open­ly oppose the ban. He said the near-total ban “is not reflec­tive of the val­ues of the vast major­i­ty of our elec­torate, regard­less of polit­i­cal affil­i­a­tion. …