DHS rec­om­mend­ed State Depart­ment con­tact 2020 elec­tion ‘cen­sor­ship’ group: Emails

DHS recommended State Department contact 2020 election ‘censorship’ group: Emails

EXCLUSIVE — The State Depart­ment was “rec­om­mend­ed” by the Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty to con­tact a group it lat­er part­nered with on pres­sur­ing social media plat­forms to sup­press speech from con­ser­v­a­tives before the 2020 elec­tion, emails show.
On Oct. 14, 2020, hours after the New York Post pub­lished a sto­ry based on Hunter Biden’s aban­doned lap­top that Twit­ter blocked from being shared online, the State Department’s Glob­al Engage­ment Cen­ter reached out to “mis­in­for­ma­tion” researchers behind the Elec­tion Integri­ty Part­ner­ship, a col­lab­o­ra­tion between uni­ver­si­ties, left-wing think tanks, social media com­pa­nies, and the U.S. gov­ern­ment to thwart alleged false­hoods online in the lead-up to the pres­i­den­tial elec­tion. That out­reach from the GEC, a for­eign-focused office Repub­li­can law­mak­ers are inves­ti­gat­ing for its ties to anti-speech projects in the Unit­ed States, was appar­ent­ly thanks to guid­ance from the DHS and its Cyber­se­cu­ri­ty and Infra­struc­ture Secu­ri­ty Agency, accord­ing to inter­nal doc­u­ments.
The new­ly unearthed coor­di­na­tion under­scores the major role that CISA, an agency under scruti­ny from the House GOP for alleged­ly col­lud­ing “with Big Tech and ‘dis­in­for­ma­tion’ part­ners to cen­sor Amer­i­cans” in 2020, played in …