Iowa GOP Gov­er­nor Signs Bill Allow­ing State Author­i­ties To Arrest, Deport Ille­gal Immi­grants

Iowa GOP Governor Signs Bill Allowing State Authorities To Arrest, Deport Illegal Immigrants

Repub­li­can Iowa Gov­er­nor Kim Reynolds signed a bill into law on Wednes­day that allows state author­i­ties to arrest and deport immi­grants in Iowa who have pre­vi­ous­ly been deport­ed or denied entry into the coun­try.
The mea­sure was passed last month by Iowa’s GOP-con­trolled leg­is­la­ture, with mul­ti­ple Democ­rats join­ing Repub­li­cans in send­ing the bill to Reynolds’ desk. The new law, which is set to go into effect on July 1, makes “ille­gal reen­try” a state crime, and ille­gal immi­grants who break the law could face up to two years in prison and depor­ta­tion, Iowa Pub­lic Radio report­ed.
“The Biden Admin­is­tra­tion has failed to enforce …