WHOOPS! MSNBC Inter­rupts Clyburn’s Bide­nomics Defense with Bad Eco­nom­ic News

WHOOPS! MSNBC Interrupts Clyburn’s Bidenomics Defense with Bad Economic News

Nation­al Co-Chair for the 2024 Biden Pres­i­den­tial Cam­paign Rep. Jim Clyburn wasn’t expect­ed to be blind­sided by bad news in friend­ly ter­ri­to­ry. 
Dur­ing the April 10 edi­tion of Morn­ing Joe, co-host Mika Brzezin­s­ki had to cut off Clyburn’s rosy mes­sage about the state of the Biden econ­o­my to get an update from real­i­ty. Clyburn com­plained about “dis­in­for­ma­tion” and “mis­rep­re­sen­ta­tion” on social media in his unin­formed response to a ques­tion about the Biden econ­o­my. Then, after seem­ing­ly ner­vous­ly begin­ning …