Why infla­tion could be Biden’s down­fall in swing state he’s eager to cap­ture to get reelect­ed

Why inflation could be Biden’s downfall in swing state he’s eager to capture to get reelected

Infla­tion com­ing in hot­ter than expect­ed in March pos­es a major prob­lem for Pres­i­dent Joe Biden, as res­i­dents of one swing state iden­ti­fied the top­ic as a major issue head­ing into Novem­ber.
A report released on Wednes­day by the Bureau of Labor Sta­tis­tics revealed that infla­tion rose 3.5% in the year end­ing in March. North Car­olini­ans will like­ly not be thrilled with the update.
A recent poll shows that 76% of reg­is­tered North Car­oli­na vot­ers place infla­tion as a top pri­or­i­ty for law­mak­ers in Wash­ing­ton, D.C. The sur­vey finds Biden trail­ing for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump by 3 per­cent­age points, 42% to 45%.
In 2020, Trump won North Car­oli­na by 1.4% of the vote, but Biden is hop­ing to declare vic­to­ry this time around in the Tar Heel State, which hasn’t turned blue since Barack Obama’s elec­tion in 2008.
The lat­est report on infla­tion comes as trou­ble for the Biden admin­is­tra­tion, which has boost­ed that Bide­nomics has led to a decline in infla­tion and growth in the labor mar­ket.