‘Jour­nal­is­tic Rape’; Here Are the Big Moments From Cather­ine Herridge’s House Hear­ing

‘Journalistic Rape’; Here Are the Big Moments From Catherine Herridge’s House Hearing

On Thurs­day before the House Judi­cia­ry Sub­com­mit­tee on the Con­sti­tu­tion and Lim­it­ed Gov­ern­ment, for­mer CBS News cor­re­spon­dent Cather­ine Her­ridge emerged to give her first set of extend­ed pub­lic remarks about her sud­den fir­ing from CBS News and what she would describe as a “jour­nal­is­tic rape” and the cross­ing of “a red line that…should nev­er be crossed again” in the (tem­po­rary) seizure of her files that con­tained sen­si­tive details about sources.
Joined by Sinclair’s Sharyl Attkisson, SAG-AFTRA’s Mary Cav­al­laro, and the Knight First Amend­ment Institute’s Nadine Farid John­son, Her­ridge spoke out in favor of the bipar­ti­san PRESS Act, which would large­ly pro­tect jour­nal­ists from being forced by the gov­ern­ment to dis­close the iden­ti­ty of their sources.
Her­ridge has par­tic­u­lar inter­est as, in addi­tion to sud­den unem­ploy­ment, she was recent­ly held in con­tempt and ordered (pend­ing a stay) to divulge a source relat­ing to a sto­ry from her Fox News tenure or face a $500/day fine.
Her­ridge large­ly took the high road, such as in her open­ing state­ment thank­ing the House for “tak­ing the time to focus again on the impor­tance of pro­tect­ing reporter sources and the vital safe­guards pro­vid­ed by the PRESS Act”.
She explained what the con­tempt case has done to her fam­i­ly and the impact it’d have on (actu­al) jour­nal­ism (click “expand”):

One of our chil­dren recent­ly as …