‘Health Equi­ty’: Why Mass General’s DEI-Infused Pol­i­cy Update Places Infants At Risk

‘Health Equity’: Why Mass General’s DEI-Infused Policy Update Places Infants At Risk

It’s nev­er a good time to be a baby who’s been exposed to drugs. But the bril­liant antiracist minds at Mass Gen­er­al Brigham have some­how found a way to make that sit­u­a­tion even more risky. Ear­ly this month, the Mass­a­chu­setts health­care net­work announced its lat­est gam­bit in the fight against racial dis­par­i­ty in med­i­cine: no longer report­ing instances of abuse in cas­es of fetal drug expo­sure.
The ratio­nale for this baf­fling new pol­i­cy? The DEI-rich lan­guage of ‘health equi­ty.’ As per Ma …