Hostin: O.J.’s Acquit­tal Was Fine Because Cops Kill More Than He Did

Hostin: O.J.’s Acquittal Was Fine Because Cops Kill More Than He Did

Fol­low­ing the death of for­mer foot­ball play­er and mur­der­er O.J. Simp­son, the dumb and racial­ly charged hot takes from the cast of ABC’s The View were inevitable. Of course, it was staunch­ly racist and anti-Semit­ic co-host, Sun­ny Hostin (the descen­dant of slave own­ers) who dredged up the unfound­ed racial aspects of the case applied by race-hus­tlers. She even argued that Simpson’s acquit­tal was fine since, col­lec­tive­ly, cops have killed more peo­ple than he did.
Accord­ing to Hostin, the case “was less about his guilt or inno­cence” in the bru­tal mur­ders of Nicole Brown and Ron Gold­man, but “rather about the sys­tem and how the sys­tem treat­ed African Amer­i­cans and con­tin­ues to treat African Amer­i­cans in this coun­try.”
Despite the cas­es not being relat­ed in the slight­est, Hostin insist­ed that a full “con­text” recount­ing of Simpson’s tri­al must include what hap­pened to Rod­ney King years ear­li­er. “You have to remem­ber in putting it into con­text the acquit­tal of the offi­cers who beat Rod­ney King almo …