Oh, NOW You Like Him?! Disney’s ABC Hails DeSan­tis for Crack­ing Down on Retail Theft

Exact­ly two weeks after Dis­ney more or less cried uncle and agreed to a set­tle­ment with the State of Flori­da in its law­suit over the Parental Rights in Edu­ca­tion bill and a few months after Gov­er­nor Ron DeSantis’s (R‑FL) pres­i­den­tial cam­paign came to an end, Dis­ney-owned ABC had a sur­pris­ing­ly lauda­to­ry seg­ment on Thursday’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca as they praised DeSan­tis for “com[ing] down on hard on” porch pira­cy and retail theft.
Oh, how con­ve­nient. Now that both fronts of Disney’s pres­sure cam­paign — bash­ing DeSan­tis for defend­ing chil­dren and par­ents and con­stant­ly trash­ing his pres­i­den­tial cam­paign to ben­e­fit Trump — are over, ABC seems to think …