Bill Maher mocks Repub­li­cans for shift­ing ‘super unpop­u­lar’ abor­tion stance

Bill Maher mocks Republicans for shifting ‘super unpopular’ abortion stance

Talk show host Bill Maher crit­i­cized the ever-shift­ing Repub­li­can stance on abor­tion for not remain­ing in an “abso­lutist posi­tion.”
Friday’s episode of Real Time with Bill Maher includ­ed a dis­cus­sion on the Ari­zona Supreme Court rul­ing abor­tion ille­gal even in the case of rape and incest. The only excep­tion is for moth­ers whose lives are at an imme­di­ate risk. Notably, for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump claimed the ban goes too far, but Maher sug­gest­ed it was at least his party’s goal all along, liken­ing them to “the dog that caught the car.”
“For 50 years, they talked about get­ting rid of abor­tion. They did it and it’s super unpop­u­lar, and now they have to basi­cal­ly lie,” Maher said. “I mean, Trump — some o …