Late-Night Pan­ic: Biden Could Lose to Trump!

Late-night tele­vi­sion changed for­ev­er after Don­ald Trump descend­ed that esca­la­tor in 2015.
The left-lean­ing for­mat aban­doned all pre­tense of objec­tiv­i­ty, turn­ing their hosts into DNC shills. Fox News’ “Gut­feld!’ remains a sober­ing excep­tion.

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When Pres­i­dent Trump left office in Jan­u­ary 2021 that mis­sion creep stayed in place.
Now, with the Biden-Trump rematch head­ing our way, some of late-night TV’s biggest stars are get­ting ner­vous.

Some might say pan­icky. Why?
The polls sug­gest the for­mer Pres­i­dent might just beat the cur­rent Pres­i­dent come Novem­ber. We’re a long way from Novem­ber, but at the moment the late-night crowd isn’t hap­py with the state of the race.
Let’s start with Stephen Col­bert, who lit­er­al­ly joined a Biden fundrais­er late last month fear­ing a sec­ond Trump term. The far-Left host is try­ing to drag Pres­i­dent Biden over the fin­ish line one more time.
To do so, he’s demand­ing Israel stop fight­ing back against the ghouls w …