Cruz: Sen­ate has con­sti­tu­tion­al oblig­a­tion to hold impeach­ment tri­al of May­orkas

Cruz: Senate has constitutional obligation to hold impeachment trial of Mayorkas

(The Cen­ter Square) – A coali­tion of Repub­li­can sen­a­tors is call­ing out Sen­ate Major­i­ty Leader Chuck Schumer, D‑New York, for his pur­port­ed plan to table the impeach­ment charges against Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­ri­ty Sec­re­tary Ale­jan­dro May­orkas.
Before Schumer adjourned the Sen­ate on Thurs­day, Repub­li­can sen­a­tors made their case for what they say is the Senate’s con­sti­tu­tion­al duty to hold an impeach­ment tri­al for the man House Repub­li­cans impeached on two counts, alleg­ing he cre­at­ed the bor­der cri­sis.
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