Israel, with for­eign help, inter­cept­ed most Iran­ian mis­siles and drones

With the help of allies, Israel was able to inter­cept near­ly all of the drones and mis­siles fired by Iran and its prox­ies at the Jew­ish State on Sat­ur­day night and into Sun­day morn­ing.
Israel Defense Forces spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said they and allies were able to inter­cept “99% of the threats launched toward Israeli ter­ri­to­ry,” which he described as “a very sig­nif­i­cant strate­gic achieve­ment.”
Iran­ian forces launched more than 200 UAVs, cruise mis­siles, and bal­lis­tic mis­siles, Israeli Ambas­sador to the Unit­ed Nations Gilad Erdan said in a let­ter to U.N. Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil Pres­i­dent Vanes­sa Fra­zier. In the let­ter, he req …