Cas­sidy Hutchinson’s cor­rect­ed tes­ti­mo­ny on Trump and Jan. 6 released by House GOP

Cassidy Hutchinson’s corrected testimony on Trump and Jan. 6 released by House GOP

House Repub­li­cans made pub­lic on Mon­day a doc­u­ment track­ing Cas­sidy Hutchinson‘s changes to her tes­ti­mo­ny on the events of Jan. 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capi­tol as part of the GOP’s inves­ti­ga­tion into the Demo­c­ra­t­ic-led select com­mit­tee on the riots fol­low­ing the 2020 elec­tion.
House Admin­is­tra­tion Committee’s over­sight sub­com­mit­tee Chair­man Bar­ry Lou­d­er­milk (R‑GA) released all of the doc­u­ments ref­er­enced in the committee’s March 11 report on their ini­tial find­ings on the House Select Com­mit­tee on Jan. 6. Among the doc­u­ments is a 15-page erra­ta sheet where Hutchin­son made “sig­nif­i­cant sub­stan­tive changes” to her tes­ti­mo­ny, “such as con­ver­sa­tions she orig­i­nal­ly claimed to have not been privy to or not remem­ber.”
In the March report, House Repub­li­cans report­ed claims that Hutchinson’s account of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s actions on Jan. 6 was not cor­rob­o­rat­ed by oth­er White House employ­ees.
The 15-page doc­u­ment released on Mon­day details orig­i­nal and altered respons­es from four dif­fer­ent inter­view dates i …