House moves to pun­ish Iran with path for­ward on Israel aid unclear

House GOP lead­ers have retooled their floor sched­ule to pun­ish Iran for its mis­sile attack on Israel over the week­end, but Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) has yet to sig­nal how he will move for­eign aid for the Jew­ish state that he vowed to pass this week.
House Major­i­ty Leader Steve Scalise (R‑LA) unveiled an updat­ed sched­ule for the week ahead late Sun­day night, scrap­ping plans to focus on the Biden administration’s ener­gy effi­cien­cy stan­dards for appli­ances.
The new cal­en­dar includes a slew of leg­isla­tive items relat­ed to Iran after Israel and its West­ern part­ners inter­cept­ed hun­dreds of bal­lis­tic mis­siles and drones. The strike marked the first-ever direct attack on Israel from Iran, esca­lat­ing ten­sions in the Mid­dle East as Israel wages a war on the Hamas mil­i­tant group that began in Octo­ber. 
Of the 17 bi …