John­son unveils ambitous path for­ward on Israel and Ukraine aid to break stand­still

The House will move for­ward with a pro­pos­al to vote on four sep­a­rate fund­ing bills in an effort to advance aid to Ukraine and Israel after months of delib­er­a­tion among law­mak­ers. 
Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA) unveiled the plan to House Repub­li­cans on Mon­day, propos­ing to split for­eign aid into four sep­a­rate bills focus­ing on Israel, Ukraine, Tai­wan, and then a fourth that includes oth­er defense mea­sures to “strength­en our nation­al secu­ri­ty.” The plan is to com­bine all four bills into a sin­gle rules pack­age before bring­ing them to the floor for indi­vid­ual votes, accord­ing to the speak­er. 
It’s expect­ed the bills will be brought to the floor through an open amend­ment process, allow­ing law­mak­ers to pro­pose adding oth­er mea­sures before the leg­is­la­tion is final­ized. After that, whichev­er bills advance through the House will be trans­ferr …