NBC Goes Left, ABC Soft on Kir­by Over Iran While CBS Actu­al­ly Brings Heat

Fol­low­ing Iran’s failed attempt over the week­end to fire hun­dreds of mis­siles and drones at Israel with the goal of leav­ing it in ruins, the Biden White House sent John Kir­by out to face the “big three” net­works of ABC, CBS, and NBC on their respec­tive flag­ship Mon­day morn­ing news shows. All three took dif­fer­ent approach­es with ABC’s Good Morn­ing Amer­i­ca being sup­port­ive, NBC’s Today hit­ting him from the left, and CBS Morn­ings actu­al­ly chal­lenged him.

ABC had co-host and fo …