Rick Scott sup­ports 15-week state abor­tion lim­it fol­low­ing Flori­da court rul­ing

Rick Scott supports 15-week state abortion limit following Florida court ruling

Sen. Rick Scott (R‑FL) is dis­tanc­ing him­self from a six-week abor­tion ban set to go into effect in Flori­da, instead propos­ing a 15-week lim­it as he runs for a sec­ond term in the Sen­ate.
Scott, who served as Florida’s gov­er­nor for eight years, indi­cat­ed last year that he would sign the six-week bill were he still lead­ing the state. But he has fol­lowed in the steps of for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump in recent days, tak­ing a soft­er stance as Democ­rats seek to use the issue as a wedge in Novem­ber.
“What I’ve said is, I signed every pro-life bill that came to me as gov­er­nor, if that’s the bill that came to me, that’s the bill that came to me,” he told the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er on Mon­day. “But the con­sen­sus in my state is 15 weeks. OK? And that’s what we ought to — we ought to do that plus the excep­tions.”
A 15-week ban has been on the books in Flori­da since 2022, but the GOP-led leg­is­la­ture passed the more restric­tive, six-week lim­it a year la …