Biden Declines Invite To Tes­ti­fy For Impeach­ment Inquiry

Biden Declines Invite To Testify For Impeachment Inquiry

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden informed the House on Mon­day that he was turn­ing down an invi­ta­tion to tes­ti­fy as part of a cor­rup­tion-focused impeach­ment inquiry.
His spe­cial coun­sel, Richard Sauber, con­veyed the mes­sage to House Over­sight Chair­man James Com­er (R‑KY) ahead of the pro­posed April 16 date for a hear­ing. The let­ter claimed the “impeach­ment inves­ti­ga­tion is over” and claimed the over­sight pan­el has turned up evi­dence show­ing that Biden “has done noth­ing wrong.”
The House should “focus on the issues that mat­ter to the Amer­i­can peo­ple rather than con­tin­u­ing to waste time and tax­pay­er resources on this par­ti­san cha­rade,” Sauber wrote, adding, “we decline your invi­ta­tion for Pres­i­dent Biden to tes­ti­fy.”

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