PBS Copies Kamala: ‘Sec­ond Term for Don­ald Trump Means More Bans, More Suf­fer­ing’

After the sur­prise rul­ing by the Ari­zona Supreme Court to approve a Civ­il War-era law ban­ning abor­tions except to save the life of the moth­er, the Fri­day edi­tion of Aman­pour & Co. (air­ing on PBS after first run­ning on CNN Inter­na­tion­al) host­ed a pre­dictably pro-choice lib­er­al law pro­fes­sor as a guest. But the real lib­er­al out­rage spewed from guest host Bian­na Golodry­ga, who let her own per­son­al thoughts over­whelm any attempt at a bal­anced take, over the tax­pay­er-fund­ed airwaves:“Arizona has become Ground Zero for Amer­i­ca’s bat­tle on repro­duc­tive rights,” she said. “Th …