‘Spe­cial Treat­ment’? Politi­co Legal Edi­tor Claims Legal Sys­tem Is Too Nice to Trump

<div>'Special Treatment'? Politico Legal Editor Claims Legal System Is Too Nice to Trump</div>

If any­body has any doubt about the extreme lib­er­al bias of Politi­co, an arti­cle they pub­lished on Fri­day should resolve that mat­ter. Their legal edi­tor, James Romoser, attempt­ed to por­tray the legal sys­tem as being too nice to Don­ald Trump. 
The dia­tribe was head­lined: “How Don­ald Trump Gets Spe­cial Treat­ment in the Legal Sys­tem.”

…He lies about his cas­es. He vil­i­fies the judges over­see­ing them — and then vil­i­fies their wives and daugh­ters, too.
…As Trump pre­pares to begin his first crim­i­nal tri­al on Mon­day in New York, the tol­er­ance of his tirades is per­haps the most glar­ing sign of the judi­cial system’s Trump excep­tion­al­ism. But it’s far from the only exam­ple. Over the past year, in ways large and small, in crim­i­nal cas­es and civ­il ones, Trump has con­sis­tent­ly been giv­en more free­dom and more priv­i­leges than vir­tu­al­ly any oth­er defen­dant in his shoes.

Romoser’s fraud kicked into high gear when he invoked the name of New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Tish James who cam­paigned for her office on a bla­tant plat­form of going after Trump: “New York Attor­ney Gen­er­al Tish James won a $454 mil­lion civ­il judg­ment against him for per­pe­trat­ing years of cor­po­rate fraud.”
Although James told Rachel Mad­dow she had no vendet­ta against T …