WATCH LIVE: Trump departs for Man­hat­tan court­room in New York hush mon­ey case

WATCH LIVE: Trump departs for Manhattan courtroom in New York hush money case

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For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump is arriv­ing at a Man­hat­tan court­room as the first crim­i­nal tri­al of a for­mer pres­i­dent begins Mon­day.
Trump is fac­ing 34 felony charges for fal­si­fy­ing busi­ness doc­u­ments, pun­ish­able by up to four years in prison. Trump is required to be present for the entire tri­al, which could last up to eight weeks. The defense and pros­e­cu­tion will begin the jury selec­tion process.