Wis­con­sin elec­tion admin­is­tra­tor giv­en extra secu­ri­ty after attacks from Trump

Wisconsin election administrator given extra security after attacks from Trump

Wis­con­sin Elec­tions Com­mis­sion Admin­is­tra­tor Mea­gan Wolfe has been grant­ed addi­tion­al secu­ri­ty fol­low­ing ver­bal false claims about her from for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump.
Trump has pub­licly false­ly accused Wolfe of rig­ging the elec­tion in the bat­tle­ground state of Wis­con­sin in favor of Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. In 2020, Biden won Wis­con­sin by a nar­row 0.63-point mar­gin of 20,000 votes.
“Every day, I see first­hand evi­dence that our elec­tions are run accu­rate­ly and with integri­ty at the state lev­el and by our local elec­tion offi­cials, who do an incred­i­ble job reg­is­ter­ing vot­ers, issu­ing bal­lots, and man­ag­ing the vot­er rolls in each of our state’s 1,850 cities, towns, and vil­lages,” Wolfe said in a state­ment to the Mil­wau­kee Jour­nal Sen­tinel. 
“There are many times I wish I could respond more direct­ly to defend myself, my staff …