Fox’s Doocy Trig­gers WH’s Kir­by After Point­ing Out Biden’s ‘Don’t’ Plea to Iran FAILED

With Pres­i­dent Biden on the road for the next few days, the White House press corps had to get their hard­balls in while they could on Mon­day. Fox’s Peter Doocy, as always, had the adver­sar­i­al ques­tions the rest wouldn’t ask. This time, he went around and around with John Kir­by over Iran pre­dictably not being intim­i­dat­ed by Pres­i­dent Biden’s sim­ple demand to “don’t” fire mis­siles and drones at Israel.
“John, has Pres­i­dent Biden con­sid­ered maybe beef­ing up the pub­lic Iran …