Split: CBS’s Pat­ta Fears World Has Ditched Gazans, Dok­oupil Blasts Pro-Hamas Protests

Tuesday’s CBS Morn­ings pre­sent­ed some­thing for every­one on Israel vs. Hamas as, along with anoth­er anti-Israel, pro-Hamas report from CBS for­eign cor­re­spon­dent Deb­o­ra Pat­ta grip­ing about glob­al con­cern for Israel over Iran’s mis­sile and drone attacks “distracted…from the mis­ery of Gaza”, co-host Tony Dok­oupil stat­ed the obvi­ous (but isn’t on the left) that pro-Hamas pro­test­ers block­ing roads in the U.S. are not pro­tect­ed by the First Amend­ment.
Pat­ta was cued up by co-host and Demo­c­ra­t­ic donor Gayle King, who claimed there’s “dis­agree­ment among Israelis over what should hap­pen next” in response “to Iran’s mas­sive mis­sile and drone attack on Israe …