Ari­zona Repub­li­cans Reject Anoth­er Effort To Repeal Law Pro­tect­ing Unborn Babies From Near­ly All Abor­tions

Arizona Republicans Reject Another Effort To Repeal Law Protecting Unborn Babies From Nearly All Abortions

Ari­zona House Repub­li­cans have once again reject­ed an attempt to fast-track a bill that would repeal a 160-year-old abor­tion ban that the state’s Supreme Court allowed to go into effect.
On Wednes­day, Repub­li­can lead­ers in the state House reject­ed a motion by Demo­c­rat Stephanie Stahl Hamil­ton, which called for a pro­ce­dur­al vote on fast-track­ing her bill that would repeal the 1864 abor­tion ban, but the GOP lead­ers allowed for a vote on if their move to block the vote was cor­rect, AZ Cen­tral report­ed. Repub­li­cans, who hold a one-seat major­i­ty in the Ari­zona House, lost one fel­low par­ty mem­ber on the vote, lead­ing to a 30 …