EXCLUSIVE: Watch­dog Warns About ‘Weaponiza­tion’ Of Red State’s Pen­sion Funds For Left­ist Caus­es

EXCLUSIVE: Watchdog Warns About ‘Weaponization’ Of Red State’s Pension Funds For Leftist Causes

Okla­homa pub­lic retire­ment funds are being “weaponized” to back decar­boniza­tion, racial audits, and push pro-abor­tion poli­cies, accord­ing to a new watch­dog report shared exclu­sive­ly with The Dai­ly Wire.
The report, from the Amer­i­can Account­abil­i­ty Foun­da­tion, found that three asset man­agers used by the Okla­homa Pub­lic Employ­ees Retire­ment Sys­tem (OPERS) have used mon­ey from state retire­ment accounts to sup­port share­hold­er pro­pos­als root­ed in woke pol­i­tics and envi­ron­men­tal, social, and gov­er­nance prin­ci­ples. Accord­ing to the report, three firms — State Street Glob­al Advi­sors, New­ton Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, and West­field Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment — have used some of the $1.7 bil­lion they man­age for OPERS’ port­fo­lio to sup­port at least 216 ESG-tinged pro­pos­als that take aim at the oil indus­try and push left­ist social val­ues.
The AAF obt …