Hugh Grant Set­tles Pri­va­cy Case Against U.K. Pub­lish­er

Hugh Grant Settles Privacy Case Against U.K. Publisher

Hol­ly­wood star Hugh Grant set­tled a pri­va­cy case against the U.K. pub­lish­er of The Sun after he accused it of bur­glar­iz­ing his home, bug­ging his car, and tap­ing his phone.
The 63-year-old Eng­lish actor admit­ted, at first, he did not want to accept” the “enor­mous sum of mon­ey” he had been offered to set­tle with News Group News­pa­pers (NGN), but he real­ized the tri­al was like­ly to be “very expen­sive,” the BBC report­ed. NGN has denied the claims.
“News Group are claim­ing they are entire­ly inno­cent of the things I had accused the Sun of doing — phone hack­ing, unlaw­ful infor­ma­tion gath­er­ing, land­line tap­ping, the bur­glary of my flat and office, the bug­ging of my car, the ille­gal blag­gin …