Israeli Finance Min­is­ter Calls For ‘Dis­pro­por­tion­ate’ Attack On Iran

Israeli Finance Minister Calls For ‘Disproportionate’ Attack On Iran

Israeli Finance Min­is­ter Beza­lel Smotrich called this week for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to inflict a “dis­pro­por­tion­ate toll” on Iran after the Islam­ic Repub­lic launched an unprece­dent­ed mis­sile and drone bar­rage on Israel over the week­end.
Smotrich’s remarks come as Israel has still not retal­i­at­ed for the attack that has esca­lat­ed ten­sions in the region and brought the world clos­er to the brink of a major war break­ing out.
The 44-year-old, who CNN notes is a min­is­ter in Israel’s defense min­istry due to a coali­tion agree­ment deal, said dur­ing an …