Metaphor Amne­sia? Morn­ing Joe Calls Trump an ‘Ani­mal,’ Ready to ‘Lash Out’

<div>Metaphor Amnesia? Morning Joe Calls Trump an 'Animal,' Ready to 'Lash Out'</div>

When Don­ald Trump referred to the ille­gal immi­grant accused of killing 22-year-old Lak­en Riley on the Uni­ver­si­ty of Geor­gia cam­pus as an “ani­mal,” the lib­er­al media went aflame with outrage.Thus on MSNBC, Joy Reid con­demned Trump’s “dehu­man­iz­ing and degrad­ing” lan­guage [see clip at 2:00.]So, sure­ly, no one on MSNBC would ever use the a‑for-ani­mal word in describ­ing Don­ald Trump!Oh, wait. On today’s Morn­ing Joe, Mara Gay, an MSNBC ana­lyst and mem­ber of the edi­to­r­i­al board of the New York Times, said of Trump:

“He’s like a caged ani­mal. And that’s a dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion. He’s feel­ing very threat­ened. He’s out of con­trol. And so we do expect him to lash out.”

Oh no! Not just an ani­mal, but an out-of-con­trol ani­mal! Cre­at­ing a “dan­ger­ous sit­u­a­tion” in which “we expect him to lash out.“Yet for some rea­son, no one on the pan­el cas­ti­gat­ed Gay for her use of such “degrad­ing and dehu­man­iz­ing” lan­guage. Huh!Remind me to tune into Joy Rei­d’s show lat­er. Sure­ly she will apply the same stan­dard to Trump crit­ics as she did to Trump him­self! Or not.


Gay’s call­ing Trum …