News­Guard Main­tains NPR’s Per­fect Rat­ing Despite Berlin­er’s Sus­pen­sion, Res­ig­na­tion

<div>NewsGuard Maintains NPR’s Perfect Rating Despite Berliner's Suspension, Resignation</div>

Last week, now-for­mer NPR busi­ness edi­tor Uri Berlin­er drew the ire of the station’s new, far-left CEO after he called out NPR for allow­ing the lib­er­al world­view to dom­i­nate the news­room. Berliner’s act of jour­nal­is­tic integri­ty ulti­mate­ly cost him his job; he was sus­pend­ed and ulti­mate­ly resigned. But despite NPR’s retal­i­a­tion against a whistle­blow­er and oth­ers com­ing for­ward to cor­rob­o­rate Berliner’s claims, left-wing media rat­ing orga­ni­za­tion News­Guard main­tained NPR’s per­fect 100/100 rat­ing.
In his essay for The Free Press, Berlin­er exposed NPR as a fac­to­ry churn­ing out con­tent that catered to the lib­er­al world­view: “There’s an unspo­ken con­sen­sus about the …