Wednes­day reprieve: Why Trump will get a mid­week break from his hush mon­ey tri­al

Wednesday reprieve: Why Trump will get a midweek break from his hush money trial

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump will not be in court in Man­hat­tan on Wednes­day or sub­se­quent Wednes­days for his hush mon­ey tri­al.
The tri­al will not have pro­ceed­ings sched­uled on Wednes­days to allow Judge Juan Mer­chan to deal with oth­er court pro­ceed­ings he has out­side of the hush mon­ey tri­al. The pro­ce­dure to mark one day of the week to take off from pro­ceed­ings in a tri­al is com­mon prac­tice.
While Wednes­days are not expect­ed to have any pro­ceed­ings relat­ed to the hush mon­ey tri­al, the judge said he will not hold any ses­sions in court unless there are sig­nif­i­cant delays in the tri­al, which is expect­ed to last six weeks.
Trump, who is required to be in court througho …