Advo­cates on both sides of gun debate take to Illi­nois Capi­tol

Advocates on both sides of gun debate take to Illinois Capitol

(The Cen­ter Square) – Advo­cates on both sides of the debate around gun con­trol are using this week to cham­pi­on their issues at the Illi­nois State­house.
On Tues­day, hun­dreds of gun con­trol advo­cates from Every­town for Gun Safe­ty, Moms Demand Action and oth­ers, includ­ing some from Min­neso­ta, dis­cussed their pri­or­i­ties dur­ing a ral­ly at the Illi­nois State­house.
One Aim Illi­nois Deputy Direc­tor Yolan­da Androz­zo pushed for gun con­trol mea­sures.
“Illi­nois state leg­is­la­tors have the oppor­tu­nit …