How social media and memes play a role in Trump jury selec­tion

How social media and memes play a role in Trump jury selection

As jury selec­tion con­tin­ues this week in the New York crim­i­nal hush mon­ey tri­al against Don­ald Trump, the for­mer president’s attor­neys are keep­ing a close eye on social media posts, and the memes, prospec­tive jurors have post­ed to their feeds.
On Tues­day, the defense team sift­ed through the social media accounts of prospec­tive jurors and their spous­es, argu­ing that any neg­a­tive posts about their client marked a clear show­ing of bias that should result in their dis­qual­i­fi­ca­tion. What they uncov­ered was a rab­bit hole of old Face­book jokes and pre-2020s memes about the for­mer pres­i­dent.

For­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump talks to mem­bers of the media while vis­it­ing a bode­ga, Tues­day, April 16, 20 …