Netanyahu declares Israel will defend itself amid calls for restraint

Israel Prime Min­is­ter Ben­jamin Netanyahu brushed aside calls for restraint in its con­flict with Iran and declared that Israel would pri­or­i­tize defend­ing itself, Reuters report­ed.
“I want to make it clear – we will make our own deci­sions, and the State of Israel will do every­thing nec­es­sary to defend itself,” Netanyahu said. 
The state­ment comes amid pleas from coun­tries from around the world for Israel not to retal­i­ate after a tumul­tuous April for the two coun­tries.

Iran’s embassy in Dam­as­cus, Syr­ia, was hit with an airstrike on April 1. Six­teen peo­ple were killed in the attack, includ­ing Brigadier Gen­er­al Moham­mad Reza Zahe­di and sev­er­al Islam­ic Rev­o­lu­tion­ary Guard Corps offi­cers, ac …