Ruh­le Claims High Gas Prices Are A Rus­so-Sau­di Plot To Elect Trump

With gas prices on the rise, MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruh­le did what comes nat­u­ral­ly to her: defend­ing Pres­i­dent Joe Biden. On Wednesday’s The 11th Hour Ruh­le not only claimed that Biden has noth­ing to do with high gas prices, but he is being under­mined by the Rus­sians and the Saud­is who are try­ing to get Don­ald Trump elect­ed.
Ruh­le kicked off the seg­ment by declar­ing, “We know that infla­tion is dri­ving Amer­i­cans crazy. If you are unsure, just call your moth­er. For many, i …