Biden Says Lit­tle Kids Give Him Mid­dle Fin­ger ‘All The Time’

Biden Says Little Kids Give Him Middle Finger ‘All The Time’

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden told a group of sup­port­ers ear­li­er this week at a cam­paign event in Scran­ton, Penn­syl­va­nia, that he often sees 7- and 8‑year-olds flip­ping him the bird while he’s dri­ving through neigh­bor­hoods or rur­al towns.
While speak­ing at a cam­paign event in his home­town on Tues­day, the pres­i­dent decried yard signs that say “F Biden” and then said that he often wit­ness­es young chil­dren giv­ing him the mid­dle fin­ger.
“I’ve nev­er thought I’d see a time when I’m goi …