Google faces work­er unrest after fir­ing 28 employ­ees involved in pro-Pales­tin­ian sit-in

Google is fac­ing back­lash from work­ers and activists after fir­ing 28 employ­ees who staged a sit-in over a con­tract with Israel.
On Tues­day, employ­ees staged a sit-in in Google’s Sil­i­con Val­ley and New York offices, demand­ing an end to the con­tro­ver­sial Project Nim­bus — a $1.2 bil­lion con­tract between the Israeli gov­ern­ment and Google and Ama­zon.
In a state­ment to the Wash­ing­ton Exam­in­er, a Google spokes­woman said the com­pa­ny had care­ful­ly reviewed the sit­u­a­tion and every­one involved in the protest. The actions of the pro­test­ers extend­ed beyond protest­ing activ­i­ties and active­ly dis­rupt­ed the com­pa­ny, exec­u­tives held.
“Every sin­gle one of the twen­ty-eight peo­ple whose employ­ment was ter­mi­nat­ed was per­son­al­ly and defin­i­tive­ly invo …

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