Trump tri­al: Pros­e­cu­tors with­hold wit­ness line­up from for­mer president’s team

Trump trial: Prosecutors withhold witness lineup from former president’s team

Pros­e­cu­tors made the unusu­al deci­sion this week to remain almost entire­ly mum about the order in which they planned to call their first wit­ness­es in for­mer Pres­i­dent Don­ald Trump’s hush mon­ey tri­al in New York.
Joshua Ste­in­glass, a pros­e­cu­tor work­ing on behalf of Man­hat­tan Dis­trict Attor­ney Alvin Bragg, said Fri­day evening he would let Trump’s attor­neys know the name of their first wit­ness on Sun­day night, the day before open­ing argu­ments in the case are set to begin, accord­ing to a report from the court­room. Trump’s defense team had asked for the names of the first three wit­ness­es that pros­e­cu­tors would call.
How­ev­er, Ste­in­glass warned that if Trump post­ed about the first witnes …