Iran not plan­ning for an ‘imme­di­ate response’ after Israel strike

Iran announced it was not plan­ning any mil­i­tary response at the moment after Israel’s strike on the coun­try Thurs­day night.
A senior Iran­ian offi­cial with knowl­edge of the sit­u­a­tion said that the coun­try cur­rent­ly had no plans for imme­di­ate action or a retal­ia­to­ry strike, Reuters report­ed. The offi­cial also said that there was not any clar­i­fi­ca­tion on who was behind Thursday’s attack. 

#BREAKING #Iran is not plan­ning an imme­di­ate response to the night strike, “unclear who is behind it”, senior Iran­ian offi­cial told Reuters
— Guy Elster (@guyelster) April 19, 2024

The state­ment comes after Israel launched a mis­sile strike on Iran late Thurs­day night, report­ed­ly tar­get­ing a mil­i­tary site near the Iran­ian city of Isfa­han. The strike was a response to Iran’s drone and mis­sile attack on Israel last week. 
Iran­ian offi­cials claimed its air defense sys­tem inter­cept­ed three drones, accord­ing to CNN. No casu­al­ties have been report­ed.
Israeli offi­cials noti­fied the Unit­ed States on Thurs­day that the coun­try was plan­ning to launch a retal­ia­to­ry strike against Iran, Bloomberg report­ed. 
This is a devel­op­ing news sto­ry.