Neva­da Supreme Court rules in favor of abor­tion rights group over bal­lot mea­sure lan­guage

Nevada Supreme Court rules in favor of abortion rights group over ballot measure language

A poten­tial bal­lot mea­sure enshrin­ing abor­tion rights in Neva­da is one step clos­er to appear­ing before vot­ers in Novem­ber after the state Supreme Court ruled in its favor over the lan­guage of the pro­posed bal­lot ini­tia­tive.
A low­er court had sided with the Coali­tion for Par­ents and Chil­dren in its argu­ment that the bal­lot ques­tion, which would estab­lish “a fun­da­men­tal right to repro­duc­tive free­dom,” addressed mul­ti­ple sub­jects. The state Supreme Court ruled on Thurs­day that the low­er court had “erred” when it placed an injunc­tion on the bal­lot mea­sure.
“This ini­tia­tive petition’s sin­gle sub­ject is the cre­ation of a fun­da­men­tal right to repro­duc­tive free­dom. All the petition’s pro­vi­sions are fun­da­men­tal­ly relat­ed or ger­mane …