Papua New Guineans express out­rage at Biden’s ‘very offen­sive’ claim about deceased uncle and can­ni­bals

Papua New Guineans express outrage at Biden’s ‘very offensive’ claim about deceased uncle and cannibals

Pres­i­dent Joe Biden is catch­ing flak from Papua New Guinea after imply­ing his uncle was eat­en by can­ni­bals in the coun­try dur­ing World War II.
On Wednes­day, Biden told a sto­ry of how his uncle, Ambrose Finnegan, was shot down while fly­ing a recon­nais­sance mis­sion around Papua New Guinea in World War II, crash­ing in an area infest­ed with can­ni­bals. The sto­ry con­tra­dict­ed all records about Finnegan’s crash, which found that he actu­al­ly crashed in the ocean due to engine fail­ure. He also claimed a new search had found pieces of the plane when he vis­it­ed the coun­try — which he nev­er did.

New Zealand Prime Min­is­ter Chris Hip­kins, right, vis­its at Gordon’s Mar­ket in Port Mores­by, Papua New Guinea, Mon­day, May 22, 2023. Hip­kins met with U.S. Sec­re­tary of State Antony Blinken who trav­eled in Pres­i­dent Joe Biden’s place. (AP Photo/Nick Per­ry)

The remarks have caused yet a …