Mis­souri Attor­ney Gen­er­al blasts Kansas City mayor’s open invi­ta­tion to migrants

Missouri Attorney General blasts Kansas City mayor’s open invitation to migrants

Mis­souri Attor­ney Gen­er­al Andrew Bai­ley threat­ened legal action against Kansas City May­or Quin­ton Lucas after the Demo­c­ra­t­ic leader invit­ed migrants from sanc­tu­ary cities to live and work in the Mid­west state.
In a let­ter released Thurs­day, Bai­ley, a Repub­li­can, accused Lucas of offer­ing an “open invi­ta­tion for ille­gal aliens to come to Mis­souri” and claimed Lucas’s com­ments wel­com­ing work­ers were “wild­ly irre­spon­si­ble.”

Kansas City Roy­als own­er John Sher­man, left, looks on while Kansas City May­or Quin­ton Lucas speaks. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel)

“Make no mis­take, my office will do every­thing in its pow­er to take legal action against any per­son or enti­ty found to be in vio­la­tion of these statutes,” Bai­ley said, refer­ring to a state law that makes it a felony to trans­port peo­ple who are in the coun­try ille­gal­ly.
Bailey’s let­ter prompt­ed push­back from state Democ­rats who accused him of politi­ciz­ing immi­gra­tion in an effort to bol­ster sup­port for his reelec­tion cam­pai …