Bar­tiro­mo Grills MTG For Try­ing To Oust Speak­er John­son: ‘What Is Your Alter­na­tive Plan?’

Posted in Trump
Bartiromo Grills MTG For Trying To Oust Speaker Johnson: ‘What Is Your Alternative Plan?’

Fox News host Maria Bar­tiro­mo chal­lenged Rep. Mar­jorie Tay­lor Greene (R‑GA) over the week­end about what her plan is if she man­ages to oust House Speak­er Mike John­son (R‑LA).
The con­fronta­tion hap­pened dur­ing a Sun­day inter­view when Bar­tiro­mo asked Greene what her alter­na­tive plan is if she’s suc­cess­ful.
“OK, Con­gress­woman, you want­ed Mike John­son out,” Bar­tiro­mo said. “What is your alter­na­tive plan?”
“Our plan is this, is, we have to give the Amer­i­can peo­ple a rea­son to trust us and fight for us,” Greene respond­ed. “The Amer­i­can peo­ple are sup­por­ti …